Abenteuerliches Ringen mit Flaute und ein herzlicher Empfang in Visby

Ahoi! Begleitet uns auf unserer aufregenden Reise, während wir gegen widrige Bedingungen ankämpfen und schließlich die zauberhafte Insel Fåno erreichen. Von Flaute und vergeblichen Versuchen, Visby zu erreichen, bis hin zu turbulenten Ankererlebnissen – lasst uns gemeinsam die Höhen und Tiefen unserer Reise erkunden!

Nachdem uns die Flaute vor Øland daran hinderte, den Hafen anzulaufen, nähern wir uns langsam Visby. Doch am Abend verschwand der Wind vollständig, und wir versuchten verzweifelt, Sindbad mit verschiedenen Methoden – darunter das schwimmende Ziehen des Bootes – in den Hafen zu bringen. Glücklicherweise wurden wir schließlich von freundlichen dänischen Seglern auf ihrem Trimaran geschleppt und erhielten einen herzlichen Empfang in Visby. Dort nutzten wir die Gelegenheit für einen Landgang und erkundeten das wunderschöne Steilufer, während wir die atemberaubende Aussicht genossen.

Ein oder zwei Tage später setzen wir die Segel in Richtung der Insel Fåno. Beim Anlanden schwammen wir ans Ufer und während wir in der Nacht an Bord schliefen, änderte sich plötzlich der Wind und nahm an Stärke zu. Dadurch gerieten wir auf Legerwall, und unser Anker begann auf dem steinigen Grund zu rutschen. Das Geräusch weckte mich noch bevor der Ankeralarm losging. Mit über 60 Metern Kette gelang es uns schließlich, in der Nähe der Küste festen Grund zu fassen und eine sichere Nacht zu verbringen. Obwohl an Schlaf nicht mehr zu denken war.

Begleitet uns weiter auf unserer spannenden Reise, während wir mit den Herausforderungen des Meeres kämpfen und unvergessliche Momente erleben. Wir freuen uns darauf, euch bald von neuen Abenteuern zu berichten!

One full week of sailing and reaching Gotland without engine

Entering Sweden

Faster than estimated we reach the border between Sweden and Germany. It feels good to set up the guestcountry flag and we are looking forward to enter the Swedish coast and meet its typical Northern inhabitants. As a tradition which already started in Denmark we celebrate setting up the guest flag by listening to the national anthem and thinking about the country we are heading to and its culture.

Du gamle, du fria


After two days of good wind and many nautical miles behind us, the wind is slowing down like every evening before. We start the night watches as usual. In our crew that means: about 1830 – 2230 Janos, 2230 – 0230 Leo, 0230 – 0530 Janos, 0530 – 0830 Leo. In the first watch a Cumulonimbus comes in sight. Those clouds are the mightiest clouds that are known in the world. They contain more than 100 million tons of water and are respectfully avoided by ships and planes. Turning winds much higher than 12 Beaufort can be found in and below that cloud. Next to that they can be the cause for a temperature drop of up to 20°C in a few moments. Especially dangerous are upwards winds which can be developed by the Cumulonimbus. Sometimes they are up to 20 kilometers high and look really frightening. In reasons of seamanship we reduce sails and keep sharp lookout for the cloud. After two hours it passes us many miles ahead and we can set up to full sail again and enjoy the beautiful sunset.

Watchkeeping consumes energy. Therefore it is pretty important to have enough snacks outside.


In the night the wind is giving way for a typical sunny windless day. We have about one Beaufort from the aft and we try the trade wind sails for the first time. This configuration works very well, we wish to not have forgotten the spinnaker-boom but even without we can sail up to 60 degrees to the wind direction at almost wind speed.

Anchoring in front of Øland

Thanks to the engine that doesn’t want to start we anchor in front of a small harbour on Øland. There is no wind at all and the sea is flat.

Wonderful sailing as the start of the first trip

Where it all started

After a long time of hard work we are finally on the way to start our journey. Sindbad was launched a week ago and is now fully prepared to sail us up to the North.
Planen er klar and the beautiful loneliness of the Northern nature seems calling us this summer. We do not hesitate – not even a moment – to follow the call.
Poorly we couldn’t take Simon, our third hand and brain with us. The trip was planned already a long time ago and we three have been in from the beginning. So it is really sad that we have to start the journey without him.

Last rigg check
Planen er klar (Folketidene 13th June 2020)

First time sailing

Finally the time has come and we are moving forward under sails. After departure and farewell wishes by the local neighbour at 1400 LT our heading is now set by the wind and so we are running to Gedser on the North of the Kadetrinne. Like expected she sails well at five Beaufort and we are sailing with five to six knots.

Heading North-East

First evening at sea

In the evening we prepare Sindbad for the night. After it’s all shipshape we can lean back and enjoy the wonderful sunset. We feel ready for a first night of sailing between Germany, Denmark and Sweden.