Wonderful sailing as the start of the first trip

Where it all started

After a long time of hard work we are finally on the way to start our journey. Sindbad was launched a week ago and is now fully prepared to sail us up to the North.
Planen er klar and the beautiful loneliness of the Northern nature seems calling us this summer. We do not hesitate – not even a moment – to follow the call.
Poorly we couldn’t take Simon, our third hand and brain with us. The trip was planned already a long time ago and we three have been in from the beginning. So it is really sad that we have to start the journey without him.

Last rigg check
Planen er klar (Folketidene 13th June 2020)

First time sailing

Finally the time has come and we are moving forward under sails. After departure and farewell wishes by the local neighbour at 1400 LT our heading is now set by the wind and so we are running to Gedser on the North of the Kadetrinne. Like expected she sails well at five Beaufort and we are sailing with five to six knots.

Heading North-East

First evening at sea

In the evening we prepare Sindbad for the night. After it’s all shipshape we can lean back and enjoy the wonderful sunset. We feel ready for a first night of sailing between Germany, Denmark and Sweden.

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