Embark on a captivating journey aboard the illustrious sailing yacht Sindbad. With a legacy spanning over 90 years and countless oceans crossed, Sindbad now sets her course from the Baltic Sea, eagerly anticipating the remarkable adventures that lie ahead on the Seven Seas.
Join the voyage
If you share our passion for exploration and a deep love for the sea, we invite you to be part of Sindbad’s captivating journey. Follow our blog on this website and join us on Instagram as we navigate through awe-inspiring landscapes, encounter remarkable wildlife, and embrace the boundless beauty of the world’s oceans.
Latest posts:
- Preparing for the Global Voyage: Upcoming Equipment and WorksThe adventure of sailing around the world is coming closer and the final preparations are underway. Before heading out on the open seas this summer, we take a look at the exciting plans and necessary equipment that still need to be put in place. From technical upgrades to essential work on board, here are the …
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- Shipyard time: Renewing for new horizonsThe planned pre christmas sailing trip in December was unfortunately not possible due to ice. Instead we used the time to measure the masts and shrouds. The rig is already 40 years old and it is time to renew. Now the material is ordered and the next winter the new rig can be built up. …
- Embracing Serenity: A Voyage to Visby and BeyondEmbark on a remarkable sailing journey to Visby and the enchanting island of Fåno. From serene calm to exhilarating challenges, join us as we unveil the beauty of our unforgettable voyage.
- One full week of sailing and reaching Gotland without engineEntering Sweden Faster than estimated we reach the border between Sweden and Germany. It feels good to set up the guestcountry flag and we are looking forward to enter the Swedish coast and meet its typical Northern inhabitants. As a tradition which already started in Denmark we celebrate setting up the guest flag by listening …
Continue reading “One full week of sailing and reaching Gotland without engine”
- Wonderful sailing as the start of the first tripWhere it all started After a long time of hard work we are finally on the way to start our journey. Sindbad was launched a week ago and is now fully prepared to sail us up to the North.Planen er klar and the beautiful loneliness of the Northern nature seems calling us this summer. We …
Continue reading “Wonderful sailing as the start of the first trip”