The planned pre christmas sailing trip in December was unfortunately not possible due to ice. Instead we used the time to measure the masts and shrouds. The rig is already 40 years old and it is time to renew. Now the material is ordered and the next winter the new rig can be built up.

When the warmth of the sun opens first ways through the ice a test sail was possible. The perkins started well and is ready to support in a new year of sailing. Nevertheless there is still smoke coming from the cylinder head. Due to a stable temperature and low loss of cooling water this should not a problem to be concerned about in the next time. In the long term I must inspect it further and maintain the engine again.

Therefore and also for regular works I planned to take Sindbad to the shipyard in Rødbyhavn. The last time ashore and the big refit was already three years ago. Next to some further improvement such as installing the new NAVTEX receiver and improve the isolation and sound system in the salon, engine and heater must be maintained. Moreover the cockpit is planned to be finished and of course there will be a fresh paint for all over the boat.

In March the time has come and I could finally bring Sindbad to Rødby. Enjoying the athmosphere of the Trave river while calm winds I sailed the way to Travemünde despite the slow speed of about one knot. After arriving René joined and we spent the night in good company alongside to the Safier.

The next day a gentle southwesterly breeze made it possible to reach the port of Rødbyhavn at night. Supported by the guard vessels we found our way in the busy working area of the Fehmarnbelt until we finally arrived and made it to go alongside under sails. The morning after arrical the crane was ready and Sindbad was heaved ashore safely. Fortunately the hull looked still very clear and I was really happy. It felt good to be back in the company of the Bådeværft although I am really looking forward to waterborn Sindbad again to head for new horizons.